I am something of a technophobe. When some new technology is hyped as the latest greatest thing, nine times out of ten I am unimpressed.
1. Cell Phone Features: I want to be able to do three things with my phone; talk, text and store numbers. Beyond that I value battery life over every other damn thing that can be put on my phone. I don't need to check email, take photos, look up restaurant reviews or play scrabble 24 hours a day. The best phone I have ever had was the first one I got for free with service in high school .
2. Kindle: I like reading books. Removed from electronic connections it allows the reader to spend hours immersed in the authors world experiencing the content as the author envisioned it. When reading from electronic content people want to customize the view, follow links, look up unfamiliar concepts etc. I just feel no desire to fold books into the broader spectrum of electronic media.
3. Twitter: Seriously, I don't get it. Has anything so useless ever been so hyped. Have any of the throngs of reporters breathlessly declaring twitter the second coming of language ever actually read a twitter. We all have a stream of random thoughts running through our heads, but until now no one expected everyone they have ever met to care.
Saturday assorted links
8 hours ago
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